Inception Period Activities: To Develop Communication Strategy and Establish Monitoring System

In this stage of project implementation, the project manpower, office facilities, working system and the Project Implementation Plan (PIP) have to be developed and finally established for an actual implementation. In addition, communication approach and strategy is required to be formulated and further developed to guide the project’s awareness raising campaign together with the baseline monitoring system.

Formulating a communication strategy

Drawing upon the background materials about the status of animal cruelty situation in Thailand, the project will formulate its communication strategy. Other sources are lessons learnt from other anti-animal cruelty campaigns organized by the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), WWF-Thailand’s Wildlife Trade Campaign and WWF-UK’s Eyes and Ears Campaign including The Green Leaf Foundation’s Hotels Certification Programme.

The strategy will specify target groups, sub-groups of the project, defining the role of the project partners, key message and key issues to be addressed, the use of different types of media and frequency of use including information meetings, information packages, leaflets, video, internet etc.

Develop a Baseline Monitoring System

The project’s monitoring system will specify baseline studies to be undertaken and how these will be used to assess project impact including impact on the animal cruelty and attitudinal changes concerning animal cruelty.

  1. Developing Communications strategies
  2. Holding Capacity Building & Training for staff and field Volunteers.
  3. Developing relationship and establish network with Stakeholders, e.g. Livestock Department, BMA, Temples, Stray Dogs & Cats Sheltering Operators, Animals Loving Clubs, Pets Society, Pet Clinics etc.
  4. Launching a nationwide survey on the current situation of the pet and domesticated animals under cruelty and illegal treatment, what’s nature and how many of them being rescued and deserted.
  5. Collecting and summarizing the findings to be used as TOR for the project Campaign.

Notes : The baseline monitoring serves as a TOR in measuring and evaluation against the Project Outputs and Objective whether the campaign is successful and the assumption is right. It will be conducted nationwide in cooperation with Thailand’s academic Institute.